my background

Friday, June 24, 2011

tiada jodoh diantara kita

di kedinginan malam yang hening ini, kucoretkan luahan rasa hati buat insan tersayang yang pernah bertakhta di hati . semoga dengan coretan ini akan membuatkan dirimu lebih mengerti betapa sayangnya aku padamu hingga saat ini bukan niatku untuk meraih simpati tetapi sekadar melepaskan rasa di hati ini. walaupun kini di antara kita sudah tiada apa apa lagi .

sayangku ,
masihku ingat lagi pada pertemuan pertama kita yang tidak dirancang di pondok itu . waktu itu kita sama sama menantikan hujan teduh . aku menegurmu memulakan bicara . padahal aku bukanlah seorang yang suka menegur perempuan . tapi mungkin ketika itu hanya kita berdua yang ada . ternyata teguranku mendapat respon yang baik daripadamu . akhirya perbualan kita begitu mesra sekali hingga sesekali menyentuh soal hati dan perasaan . entah mengapa di saat itu juga diri ini mula tertarik terhadapmu.

sayangku ,
pertemuan pertama itu sungguh bermakna bagiku kerana di situlah bermulanya bibit - bibit cinta , kaish sayang dan rindu di jiwaku . walaupun aku tidak pasti di jiwamu . namun persoalanku terjawab apabila menerima panggilan telefon yang pertama daripadamu. kau ingin bertemu denganku . terasa ketika itu aku sungguh bertuah . akhirnya pertemuan demi pertemuan kita lewati .

sayangku ,
pertemuan di pantai adalah pertemuan kita secara rasmi setelah diisytiharkan sebagai pasangan kekasih . saat itu kita mula bicara tentang cinta , bicara tentang rindu , tentang kasih dan sayang , senda gurau , tawa mesra serta senyuman manismu benar benar menambahkan lagi seri hidup ini. janjimu untuk sehidup semati bersamaku menjadikan aku seorang yang bersemangat untuk melalui hari hari mendatang . dapat kurasakan ketika itu kau benar benar ikhlas menyayangiku . begitu juga dengan diriku . akan kusiram dan akan kubajai cinta kita ini hingga ke akhir hayat . itu janjiku . oh betapa indahnya dunia kurasakan kerana mencintaimu mencintaimu benar benar membuatkan aku rasa bahagia .

sayangku ,
panas sampai ke petang yang kuharapkan , rupa - rupanya hujan di tengah hari . puas kau kuhubungi namun kau tetap mendiamkan diri. pertemuan terakhir kita menjawab segala teka teki di hati . akhirnya tsunami melanda diri kau minta hubungan ini diputuskan kerana mahu pergi mengikut insan lain yang telah berjaya memikat hatimu . kucuba memujuk , ternyata pujukanku hanya sia sia baru pun usia perhubungan kita memasuki enam bulan .kau tinggalkan aku sendirian ketika cinta kita sedang mekar mengharum. alangkah kecewanya aku . kini tiada lagi gurau senda dan tawa mesramu yang bisa menghiburkan hatiku .. sepi ...sesepi hatiku yang ditinggal pergi . segala janjimu padaku suatu waktu dahulu kini hanya tinggal kenangan yang terkunci di hati .

sayangku ,
walaupun kita sudah berpisah namun memori indah bersamamu sering menghantui gedung fikiranku tanpa kupinta . aku cuba menghapuskan dari ia terus menghantui , namun adakalanya aku tewas aduh....! ia sungguh menyakitkan , baru aku sedar betapa sakitnya bila putus cinta . lagi lagi cinta pertama . akhirnya aku mengambil keputusan untuk keluar dari daerah ini . aku tidak sanggup mengingati memori bersama mu setiap kali aku melewati dearah ini .kedengaranya mungkin lucu . tapi hanya itu sahaja yang mampu aku lalukan . sampai bila aku akan begini , aku pun tidak pasti . yang pasti cinta ku padamu masih tersemat di hati ..

sayangku ,
tapi aku reda kita hanya dipertemukan seketika cuma . sesungguhnya menyemai cinta bersamamu membuatkan aku menghargai erti sebuah cinta . aku terima hakikat jodoh , pertemuan , ajal dan maut di tangan tuhan . begitulah dengan cinta kita . takdir tuhan telah menetukan tiada jodoh di antara kita . mungkin ada hikmat di sebalik perpisahan itu .

mungkin ada rahmatnya
kita tidak bersama
andainya diteruskan
apakah kesudahan
itulah ucapanmu
dihujung pertemuan
kuat mana diikat
pasti akan terlucut
andai disambung lagi
tidak sekuat dulu
kerana cuma aku
yang menarik bukan tangamu

sayangku ,
kudoakan kau berbahagia bersama kekasih barumu . sesungguhnya aku bahagia melihat orang yang kukasihi bahagia . peliharalah dia sebaik mungkin . jangan kau sakiti hatinya seperti mana kau sakiti hatiku . sebelum mengundur diri , aku menyusun sepuluh jari memohon kemaafan darimu andainya coretan ini bisa menganggu dirimu

Saturday, June 18, 2011

sakit rasa ku ini

apa maksud dengan perkataan cinta ... apa dengan keunikan erti cinta ini ..semau kita boleh merasakan kalau diri kita mampu untuk bertahan kesakitan itu ...! tapi berjuta orang di dunia ini kenapa lah aku seorang yang bernasib malang macam itu ..! kenapa aku yang harus menanggung segala ini apa kah dugaan yang bakal diberi lagi oleh tuhan ?

aku lah seorang gadis yang lemah selalu kalah dalam percintaan ini ..tapi tuhan memberi aku peluang untuk merasa bagaimana sakitnya kalau cinta itu bukan jadi milik kamu ..ya kini aku telah merasakan pedih dan pilu betul bila dia menyatakan dengan aku dia benci dengan aku .dengan kata benci itu telah membuat hati ku hancur .. mungkin dia belum pernah merasa macam sakitnya hati ini...sakitnya telah aku tolong dia menanggung jadi selama ini dia tidak akan rasakan semua itu..

ya aku tahu kamu benci dengan aku tapi apa aku harus buat ..saya akan maafkan kamu kerana kamu pernah benci dengan aku ..! tuhan memgajar aku biar dia benci kamu yang penting jangan kita benci orang itu malah kita harus sayang orang itu ..kini aku telah ikut perintah tuhan ..aku telah lakukans semua itu ..tapi dia sama sekali tidak akan merasakan semau itu ...hanya tuhan dan doa dapat tabah kan hati aku dan kuat kan iman ku ...terima kasih tuhan...

tuhan yang wujud kan hubungan aku dengan dia tapi kini tuhan yang pisah kan aku dengan ya ..saya rela tuhan buat demikian kerana saya tahu dunia ini tidak akan menjadi milik ku dan aku datang diberi tugasan oleh syurga untuk menjadi rakyat malaysia dan mungkin tuhan kurnia aku di dunia ini..! bukan mudah untuk menajdi seorang manusia kerana kena ada perasaan cinta itu.. aku sudah lemah dan tidak bernyawa lagi untuk terus kan semua itu

biar macam mana salah ku atau salah mu aku tidak pernah sama sekali menyimpan perasaan benci itu terhadap kamu ..! tapi aku akan membuat kamu membenci dengan aku dengan cara itu hanya boleh selesaikan masalah itu ..kerana kamu benci aku dan kamu akan lupakan dengan aku ...itu sahaja cara nya ....minta maaf aku terpaksa buat macam itu ...

kamu yang wujud di hati ku dan kamu yang memberi aku sinaran cahaya kini kamu yang hancur hati ku dengan tangan kamu sendiri ..pedih betul rasa itu mungkin kita tidak akan ditakdirkan oleh tuhan ..mungkin ini harus aku tanggung semua ini..aku rela menghadapi dan aku rela juga merasa sakit ini dan pilu ini...

my birthday

happy birthday ting ting ..hope u have a good healty ...bigger girl and now should to think in mature and think in positive it i so very happy have a lot of present from someone...1st i need to thanks to my mum and dad because both of u two at kk in early morning call me and say happy birthday to me ..i so very happpy until i want to cry it ...but i need to thanks for my god give me a big present ..thanks lord..i love u lord ....

2nd i have get so many ppl send me a wish ..and say happy birthday girl happy and i want to thanks for u all my friend ... god bless u all ..! thanks for u all because din make me alone at here happy today and so happy in whole day ..! ya however today i reli so happy one u all make me so happy and happy thanks all ..i like u all ....

my mum calling me again ...she say to me happy birthday girl have celebrate ur birthday ...i say ya i have to celebrate it and so very happy it ...i say mum should be strong ya ..ting will keep to pray for u mum birthday gift is my mum need to recover well ..finally god give me this big present ..thanks for u lord happy lord hear my pray ....

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Story ABout CUte Girl

today have a cute girl at hospital..the cute girl also sick and pain ...but this cute girl so very nice person ...the girl go to visit her friend in hospital and than pray for her friend hope faster can recover it because tat girl so miss her friend smile , and also so miss her friend ...tat girl and her friend is forever friend never to end the relationship what happen it ..

the doctor come in the sick room and than let us all know about tat cute girl friend ..! doctor say who can donat some blood to this sick ppl ..and than the cute girl say let me to donat because the cute girl dun want to lose the best friend life and tat cute girl dun want to lose it and dun want to be alone in her life..tat cute girl say i want to donat how many tat girl want to donat also ..tat cute girl say i dun care about all this ...

but the doctor already stop tat cute girl to donat because the cute girl body so very weak ..and the doctor say if u want to donat..maybe in half u donat u will feeling pain , vomit , pening and will come to u the effect ..the girl say ya doctor i know my body so very weak now..but the girl say if me still can help my friend i will help it .. i dun want to lose my this best friend in my life i cannot to do anything but i can do for her is donat my blood to her ...

all the friend come to near the cute girl and say cute girl are u sure want to donat the blood .are u din scare will face it what happen with u later ...but we all so very worry about u ...the girl din say anything ..the girl just give them a sweet smile and tat girl say i will be strong ...because i want to save my best friend life ... so we all to donat the blood ..many the friend finish to donat than the last one is me .....donat in half have happen thing come to the cute girl...

the doctor say are u ok now cute girl are u still want to continue to donat it ..and than the cute girl say ya doctor i want to continue it what ever i will happen it ..but all the cute girl friend say ..cute girl stop it and dun want to continue it later have something will happen to u ..we all dun want u to lose a life ....please save ur life can ?

the girl keep the promise and tell to all friend ...i will be fine after i finish to donat the blood ..please just leave a half only ..after finish then i will care my self ..! after finish donat the blood the cute girl fall down and din wake up and wake come and near the cute girl looking the cute girl long time , long minit , long hour ..still inside and the nurse also near the cute girl ..! the cute havent to wake up and wake up how the doctor ask the cute girl..the cute girl dun have any respond ....

all people so nervous to waiting the cute girl wake up lncluding the cute girl cousin ..the doctor give the cute girl injection , plus water , plus sodium ..many pack but the girl still cannot to wake up ..the nurse come and than take the cute girl blood ...the cute still in cold all body so cold ...the doctor say now the cute girl body so very weak and the blood so very low for the cute girl ..need to recover take a long time ....if the cute girl wake up need to let the cute girl take more rest ..

after finish the last pack water, and sodium the cute start to feeling body warm it .and than doctor come and near the cute girl and check the cute say
the cute girl stay in hospital in a while but the cute girl start to fever ....and than the cute girl wake up and talk so very slow look dun have enegry to talk ..the cute girl say doctor please let the cute girl back home and have a good rest in home ...

the doctor approve it and let the cute girl back home to take a rest..! the cute girl so very pity one need to face many promble about love , about sick about body to know tat cute feeling so pity any body come to care the cute girl life.. the cute girl say she so sad about all because however she recover also alone all ppl go far from her now any sms again ..the cute girl say if one day the cute girl die sure no body will know it .because the girl say in her life so enough for all can let her to save her best friend life ...

the cute girl say ..ya i so very scare to face all the promble but now was happen it than just let it happen it .. cannot to change it and cannot to delete it many u throw it also have copy and alos need to face it ..but the cute girl have a lot of promble just tat cute girl hide it din let us know it what her sick lol..! doctor and cute girl know what happen to her self....

the cute girl still keeping what the guy say to tat cute girl if you save her life than need to lose other life also .i think so many time should tat cute to help her best friend or not lol...but the last the cute girl want to help her friend ...the cute girl din think so much about it..nothing can help her friend just blood can help her...tat cute girl say what ever happen it the cute girl still keeping the smile to face all promble ...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

FoR My FrieNd

hello my blogger are u blogger ... miss u blogger .. love u blogger ..sorry ya blogger i already 3 days din come to visit u and clean up u blogger ..haha so cute leh blogger is my " boyfriend "
haha just kidding lah very sorry in this few days because my body feeling so tired and also have something happen to me my personal thing ..

all thing was happen to me .. example : sick , pain , crying , moody , sad , happy , and many thing emotion face ...i know many thing make my friend so sad and also crying ..i can feeling it ur heart was broken it ..but sorry i already to try make u happy than why i always make u happy but u havent to smile it and u just tell me ..i dun have mood and better i go to die ...hurt is me and not u cannot to feeling it how i was broken it and also so sad in ur heart ..u cannot to understand

but my dear friend whatever i make u happy u also wont to smile back to me ..dear friend u should look in front of u and dun try to look back ..if you look back u will get hurt and ur hurt never will recover it ..u always see me happy and smile u think i so happy it ..i let u know ..i do like this all is push myself to do it because i dun want my friend worry about me ..i know u all so care me .. but the promble better just me know only ....than y i say dun try to lose him if u still love him and still need him in your heart ..both of u 2 still have same feeling why din continue it

u tell me no body can feeling it how was the heart was broken it ..but u wrong ..i can feeling it how was broken it the heart ..but how i can to push tat guy break up with him wife or dun care him wife but imposible thing tat guy will do it ..tat means tat guy never to put the feeling love me ..but u not same ..because tat boy so love you...tat boy dun want to lose you ? many people tell me why u din open ur heart and accept other boy and forget this one ...

i tell them u ask me to open than can open ..i also want to open my heart but i tell myself my heart was close by tat guy and dun want to open it in this temporary i get pain in my heart i also will keeping happy ...because tat guy make me so happy and have a lot of memori than i wont to accept other guy ..sorry for all guy ....than better dun wait me to open it ...if me open it i also wont to accept u all other piece heart is tat guy and not u all guy ....

so girl if u think tat boy s suitable for u than dun waste ur time ..faster find him back ur side ...dun try have second times to lose him again..not so easy to get back the heart when broken it ..need to some times to recover it ..but i hope u can be happy dun think too much ..after get back him u should learn how to make tat boy inside ur heart forever and ever ....i will wish u ...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

ToDay My FeeLing

why today i become so lonely girl no people come to care me what happen ya ..i also dunno what happen it .. many thing happen to me but should me be happy or stay happy ..i still cannot to find out the answer ...all thing far from me all gone from me ..should be strong or just like tat ...i tell my self u can do it what happen to me and what will belong to me ...

today i can feeling my friend to get hurt..! looking she sad i so become sad ..and i need to say sorry to her because i also cannot to help u solve the promble and i also dun have change to hear ur promble ...! i know she many promble , about family , about married ..her dun want to lose tat boy ..but however u should to lose it ..come on girl wake up dun make ur dream again ..time to learn it how to lose ur hand rite now and let him go from ur heart ...

i know so very hard to let u lose him in ur heart ..but tat boy cannot to always stay in ur heart ..because tat boy not belong to u ..than try to leave it ..because my feeling same to u ... so why i cannot to help u anymore ..fall in love in someone so easy .. today we can fall in love but so very hard to forget it and stop it ..if me i also cannot to do it ...but tat boy u love have wife and also have 1 son and 1 daugther ...

me now also still have feeling with tat guy still miss tat guy but how i can to let tat guy go far from me cannot to without him into my very hard ...ya i know tat guy never have any feeling like miss me .. because tat guy never do it in everyday ..i hope i can get tat guy miss me ..give me so enough it and i dun hope so much ...many thing happen than we let it happen it ..if me already fall in love with tat guy than what can do it just continue to love tat guy...

i never to be lose and i tell my self how i also din lose tat guy and far it from me ..i will more care of tat guy .. maybe i not so lucky one can get tat guy heart .! because tat guy have one piece heart only and other one already give him wife ..! and just me dun get tat guy piece heart....but friend u so lucky one than me .. tat boy can give u the piece heart to u ..that's means tat boy so very like u , miss u and love u ....

ya i everyday saw tat guy online but how if tat guy online i also cannot to do anything ..tat guy online but tat guy din chat with me ..if tat guy dun chat with me is ok..i know tat guy never will more care me ...after tat guy know me fine than tat guy just say take care ur self ..just tat only ...if can i want the time all become before... tat guy before back home tat guy will say hi to me and say goodbye i need to back ..after back home tat guy will sms me ...

now anything will be change it dun too hope so .. i hope at nite tat guy will chat with me but i wait also dun have ..! in working time tat guy also seldom do it to me ..i also dunno how it .! i cannot to push tat guy than just let tat guy want to do what ..if tat guy dun want sms me also how still same cannot to push tat guy do it all to me ......

dunno who will sharing with me my promble and my thing ..! now tat guy want to know it and tat guy dun want to ask it than better become silent ..if tat guy din ask me than look nothing happen it why i say now no ppl care me ...mmm cannot to feeling it .. tat guy more caring with him wife than me is who ? just nothing give tat guy ..just a friend only ...!

so friend i want tell u ..u so lucky one can get tat boy into ur heart...tat boy more care u than him wife u should to think it ..tat means tat boy tell u already tat boy want to choise u than him wife ..make me so sad ..have boy care of u . if u sick tat boy u more worry about u ...! than dun try to lose it..! keep it and come on girl try to be strong ...u say u miss tat boy hold ur hand , hug u , kiss u and hear ur voice ..but now dun tell me u want to lose it ....if me i dun want to lose it ...i will fight it...! normal if tat boy din like u and love u tat boy wont to do all thing for u ...

but i want to tell u ..i cannot to fight it i fight i also lose .. i also have a promble but u also have ... u cry than means u also like and love tat boy..but i cry and tat guy din cry that means just me like tat guy and tat guy never got the feeling ...! sms me and just want to know my sick and also my pain..after i let tat guy know ..sure tat guy will tell me ..ok lah i want continue my job.... just tat only ..! tat guy no more to ask me ..always ask me like tat...why u lucky and me bad luck ..we also same human ..we also same girl ..all is fair..but u can happy but why i cannot ...

i dun want to say hi to tat guy because i know tat guy will reply me and say sorry i busy now if not sorry now i with customer or with gf or with my bos ...all i know it what u busy will say this all to me ..! i also cannot to do anything ..! sick and pain also dun have beza to me my life ...

my life is like tat ..the god already give me a wonderfull life ..i so happy ...tat guy dun want to be my side tat is ok ..nvm ..i know tat guy so happy with tat guy famliy and also tat guy wife ...i try to make myself smile but so very hard ..want to smile also so hard and so hard to push my self happy ...! u can do it but i cannot to do it today feeling so sad but i make my self look happy that is not my self ..that is push my self to do it not natural .. me look happy today but in my heart i geeting hurt again ...dun have anyone know it i get big hurt ...

in my heart i was write down tat guy name and my name put into my heart ..! but now tat guy use the knife to make my heart broken it ...inside bleeding but tat guy cannot to feeling it so very hurt if bleeding it ..! how i delete tat guy name also cannot to delete it ...! so means i cannot to forget tat guy ..! i so like tat guy ...i know all the u god to make me sad like this ..rite mah ? love is not blind...ya love not blind ..but now my heart was blind ....

oh my friend why we should try in same thing and same promble.. why both of us fall in love with tat guy and boy have wife and material in married ...why and why and why ..can anyone to give me answer..! so very silent dun have any sms from u ...than friend u sholud hold tat boy hand and dun to try lose it ..! because tat boy is belong u ..if u lose ur hand u wont to get anything ..than u will get more hurt and want to cry it ..if u think cry can make me happy than u cry i can borrow my shoulder to u..!

if u miss tat boy than try to sms tat boy , if u miss tat boy face than u need to meet tat boy than u din miss it again .. if u miss tat boy hold ur hand ..than make the time to hang out togather than have change to hold the hand ..if u miss tat boy voice and u try to call tat boy than u wont to miss tat boy voice ..if u miss tat boy hug u ..than faster find tat boy back and hug tat boy and dun lose it ...all thing u can do it ...just see ur self ..if u want tat boy make u happy than u more should find tat boy back and not sit at here cry.. if u cry tat boy cannot to see it ..dun waste ur time ..faster find tat boy back into ur life ...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

nothing to me

what the meaning of my life..happy , sad , moody , sick , pain .. that happen to me is my life ...if yes is my life i will accept it true my heart ..because now i having all about this ....if tat guy dun want to chat with me is ok , dun want to care also ok ..i dun mind ..nothing happen in my life and never be happy it all ...just also sad and moody ....

after i know tat guy but tat guy always to hurt me but i dun mind it all because i like him so much ..what ever tat guy hurt me and make me sad ...ya many ppl say and tell me fall in love with someone not too easy to get it ..many promble will happen it with us ...and than i tell my friend ya what u say is true ...i know tat guy not so care me more i think tat guy so hate me for all ...always need ppl care it ...i also know tat guy never have feeling with me ...all about tat guy i know all ...

tat guy not belong me ..but i din hope tat guy will belong me ..i just want to wish tat guy will always happy than i will happy too...! broken my heart are tat guy will know it ..tat guy never know it my promble and also my sick now ..! tat guy always ask me how are u today ? i just let him know same thing and havent to change it ..acutally have something to change is my sick..

i dun let him know because i dun want he more care me again ..i know tat guy care me because i sick ..and also pain ...i vomit now and bleeding now tat guy also dunno it because i din let him know about my sick and pain now ..and also doktor say what i also hide him ...

now tat guy seldom to sms me and also chatting with me and also seldom to talking happy thing ..i know now tat guy dun want to leave me alone here .. maybe i thinking is negative i think positive also same to me ...also seldom to sms me and seldom to care me also ..than what is the life for me? should i become happy girl , sporthing girl ...all need to ask myself but myself cannot to let me know what i should to do ...

now i know so very hard to fall in love with someone and tat guy in material of married .. why me so stupid din think it carefully .. maybe him is my jodoh ...but i din believe my jodoh ...tat guy say all is truely and also have a full meaning .. i like it but will make me broken heart ...tat guy say love is not blind never blind emotion that blind .. after broken off with the last one .. will easy fall in love with someone that care.. that is emotion ...not love... i have to read in many times....

tat guy online but tat guy din chat with me .. so i know tat guy dun want me to disturb tat guy anymore and tat guy want me to know tat guy was married already ...ya i know u married already and i know u wont have feeling with me never mind is ok ...i din push u it ...just be ur self ...i know u like to care ppl so maybe i terasa and falling in love with u ..sorry for all about this ....

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tat Guy IS U ...

what meaning of love ? love is make ppl have or sad ? love make ppl cry or laugh ? love is wish or just a blind ? today i can feeling what is the meaning of love..! i already fall in love someone .but tat guy like nothing happen and dun have any respond ...should me let tat guy know it ..!

last nite tat guy have tell me ..him ask me who is tat guy u means ...and than i ask him to guess who i say tat guy ? him say i hate to guess it i let him know ..tat guy i say is u ..but tat guy look dun have any respond ...oh my god ..are him reli dunno or just look nothing happen it ..but should me let tat guy know i was fall in love with him ..should me do like this ...?

ya i know tat guy so seldom to sms me and also seldom to chat with me ..i know tat guy so very busy it .until dun have time to sms me and also chatting with me .. i can to terima it because is tat guy job what i can do tat guy so seldom to sms me ..sometimes so miss him ...

everyday i see my hp see have any msg coming to me or dun have ...i wait and wait and wait last tat guy have sms me and tat guy send to say good day ? just simple one tat guy send to me ...just a simple sms for me but is tat guy make me happy and so happy to working ..after in hour my feeling become so very bad mood because tat guy late to reply my sms ...

in evening tat guy sms me and let me know just now tat guy accident ...oh no after i hear my heart so very pain..i din scare what ..the 1st thing is i so very scare to lose tat guy ...i cannot to live without tat guy ..after it tat guy sms me and say nothing to me but dunno tomorrow what happen to me ...tat guy make my heart become ice...

i just want to u tell me i miss u and i so care u ...but look so hard for tat guy tell this thing ...! i always ask tat guy are u miss me ...tat guy din answer me ..than i know what the answer tat guy will give me ...! i know tat guy din miss me and din care me already ...! because i silly girl ...!
than better i become silent and dun want to ask tat guy more thing ...! just my feeling and my pain me know only ..

Monday, June 6, 2011

u and u and u again

so moody now maybe miss someone and need someone to chat with me...but him still not yet to online it maybe tat guy scare me already ...i have see tat guy online just a while only ..i got sms tat guy and say online din let me know ..and than tat guy tell me just up load report to bos ..i say ok ..! later tat guy sms me again say sorry i busy now have something to do ...

why i should to miss tat guy again tat guy so late just sms me only but so late to reply me ..huhu feeling so sad also ..not like before so many sms coming to me and have a nice chat all become silent again ...tat guy seldom to sms me again ..if sms just a moment only ..i think tat guy was boring to chat with me ...i also dunno what happen ....

tat guy make me so many thinking it ..i cannot to stop thinking of tat guy ..when me working i cannot to hear about tat guy company ..i will more miss tat guy but my friend always say that company name than i dun want to hear it anymore i know i will hurt but i look like nothing was happen to me ...and i dun want to let my friend know i fall in love with tat guy is working in hap.... trading ...

should me continue to update my this blog ... so very moody now ... oh god i so miss tat guy so much ..! i need tat guy more caring me ..but did tat guy know i have feeling with him ? i want to tell him and i so miss him ..very much ....need to hug him , need to hold him hand , need to walk with him..but should me do like this with tat guy ??? no answer ....tut tut tut

today my cousin call me ask me where me now ..i say working and than him say come on i come to fecth u and have lunch gather ...and than i scold my cousin u ah ..wat time now just ask me having lunch already pass the lunch time lol..i say if u want to lunch time with me than need to let me know in early cousin say ok next time ...i say ok no promble ..

Sunday, June 5, 2011

i want to fly

i so miss the flight ..becouse have a lot of memory inside this flight...i still remember 1st time i use the mas flight ...before it i always use air asia only ..! mas air line more expensive than air asia ...! but tat day i dun have any choise because last flight just have mas air line only ...air asia last flight 4.oo only ..

i 1st time sit in mas air line wah so fun o ..just 45 minit only than have supper to eat and also have some drinking ...i so like it ... many time i flight here and also flight back ...

i visit my mum at kk than i using air asia or mas line ..! after i arrive at hospital kk i so exicited it because i can see my mum and tell my mum i say i using mas air line all my dream come true ..haha i so shy o if me sharing with my friend ..sure my friend will laugh me ...than i din let my friend know it just me , my mum and my dad know only ....

today i see this air plane again and i suddenly miss this time and also moment ..! 1st time i arrive ak kk airport mas ..wah so very big and also so many section ...and have a lot shopping in side the airport if air asia just a simple one only ..not fun ..just have famous shop inside tere only ...haha boring lol and so small one ..haha but better than sandakan airport here lol...shhh...

so we meet back again this flight ...! because i planning go to Kl in next year of januari lol..! i want to go taiwan in march but i cancel it and go to kl i never reach kl before so i want to see how wonderfull place in kl and how many shopping centre in kl haha exicited one o me ..i want faster end this month and become new calender haha funny o me ...shh dun let ppl know it

always working and dun have any time to let me relax and enjoy it.. so this time i din care huh i want go to kl also i need to take my leave in early one ..than my leave approve ... still young need to enjoy it dun always thiking working ..paper never finish .....however also same de better take a rest and relax my brain ...

but i already to promise my mum ..if my mum recover me and my bro bring my mum go to travel go to kl have enjoy .. and bring my mum eat a lot think she like to eat one ..hope so my mum will fecover faster....lui lui so miss u o mum...i dun want mum far from me ...i miss u so much and so love u ....i will keep to pray for u mum ....


just come back that place i dislike it today so far not so good for me ..because today o have a lot of thinking ..! i still dunno what is the means love is blind ..we cannot to touch it and cannot to feel it because if he heart far from us ...aiya thinking about he again suddenly if thinking about love ....

ya many people say love is blind and blind ..but i cannot to feel it love is blind ..! i need to touch he heart and let he know i reli fall in love with he ..but maybe not this time i let he know and not suitable time to tell he ... than i need to wait and wait and wait... did u know i love u and i miss u ..i miss ur voice and also sms ....

today my mum call me again and ask me doing what tere ...after hear my mum voice until i crying because too miss her and need to hug her ...mum can u come back to me i so miss u ...i have a lot of thing need to share with u and have many thing want to tell u ...please mum faster recover ...

i so sad have a cousin like that lol i reli dunno how to face it o ..damn it dun because u too pretty and tunjuk muka sombong ...i stand in front of u ..u also cannot to see me .. i smile with u, u also cannot to see me ..i stand so near u ...if u din see me that u blind one ...reli blind ...need to use tongkat ...need me to buy for u ..not only sister but brother also same o ..omg ..i so shy have cousin like tat friend ask me u know them .. i reli dunno how to answer my friend ...just can smile only ....

i ask her u din saw me in this morning ? she say sorry i busy on the time..oh my god cheat ppl again..start now i dun have cousin like tat very shy one i dunno where my face need to put it ..never mind let it over it ...ting dun care ppl say what ...important u need to care by ur self and also my famliy ..God love u ting ....

Saturday, June 4, 2011

no more need to scare

sorry to all my friend ..if me seldom to update my blog ..coz my sick and pain come to me until me dun have time to write down some happy thing ...! are me silly girl ? sometimes i can feeling also i silly girl but never mind everything will be fine one..our life should go just become happy ....

today my mum and my dad calling me again ask me how and doing what now.. i just dunno them to worry me , i say everything fine and nothing happen it ..just miss my mum and also my dad ...when u all come back to my life ...because i feeling so lonely now dun have someone to care of me and dun have someone to hear my promble ...i have a lot promble who can share with me ...

i always to push my self become happy girl and also enjoy it dun always become sad girl...but many time i do it for my self ..i also dunno why i still like tat because i worry about my sick and also my pain .. i try it to relax my self i try i also cannot to do it ...sometimes i so hate my self just a small thing only i cannot to solve by myself.....i want to cry it ...

if me cry now that means i will get lose all my life and i cannot to be strong girl.. come on girl dun be sad again i should become strong because my mum and dad still need u care them ...come girl ..ur sick all will gone on ..never back to u again dun think so much ..need to rest more ...dun always thinking it ..if me thinking it later my sick havent to recover it ....

why i should to face many thing in my life ..why my life never to become wonderfull life and happy life ..i so jelous one with u all ..! what u all want to get it all will become true..but me havent to become true in my life ...u human and me also human dun have any different for me ...
about love i also never to be winner..but why u will become winner...i lose it ....lose it and lose it

many people say love is blind acutally ... if us fall in love in someone never become true than we better to let he go from ur life...because he will go it and will hurt u ...i already try it to let he go because he material status is married ....i dun want to think again ..without he sms me i will lose my mood and will become sad one ...

i cannot to let he know i fall in love with he already ...if me tell he he will answer me u cannot to love me and many thing ....better let me love he and din let he know it....i think like this more happy ..if me hurt just me will know only ...anyways i love so much ......

Friday, June 3, 2011


huhu suddenly tonite i dun have any mood .. my self also dunno wad happen to me now ..bad mood and my mood so very down ...! maybe tension of my working ..if can i dun want to think so much life should become happy and not sad ..but all my mood i cannot to control my self ...all thing come to me in suddenly ..

working same thing lol will make me more tension today we help u and than u bad mood with us ..! jangan berlagak damn it...want me to scold he o ..u think u is who perdana menteri kah ..stupid ...! help u to prepare all thing say thanks also dun have terus buang muka ...

i hate ppl like tat dun because u is customer we need to do well for u and give u a good services ok...! we already try to serve u ...we just have one pair hand only need to use long time to do the work ..u think we are robot o..need to rush it ...if u need to rush than better come early ...

nasib i din serve he o if not sure i will garang to talk with he this ppl not need to use our slow voice to talk with he...! huh? i dunno how many time i can tahan working at tere i can feeling i din happy to working at tere ...more hate in tat place ...! never become happy working at tere .....

1st her son come back already to help her mum ...omg...many story happen it ...just a small thing only not need to use ur loud voice ...the office not so big just a small office only ..ur pen hilang only need to teriak mah ...ask u do small thing ur already bad mood and scold ppl ...we all have feeling not just u have feeling ..

i know u is anak bos mah need to hormat u ..but if u make me until cannot to tahan i will let u know ..dun because small thing u angry us ...! dun always we care ur feeling ...u human i also human ..u have feeling and i also have feeling ..! both of us dun have diffrent ok ... same human ...

working need to become happy and not small thing u start to angry it today tat insurance is ur job than u should handle it and not pass to other follow up ..if u dunno than u should to learn it ..if my friend on leave than the customer need tat thing ..and same time u dunno than how leh

u not a chlid ok ..u big already please use ur brain to think it...dun always like a chlid ..some thing terus mengamuk ...! u want make all to resign mah u come back help ur mum many ppl din tahan ur perangai ...if u is my bf sure i will die lol..! u big already need to learn how to clean up ur table ...! did u know mah ur place so very dirty one lol...u din shy mah ...

i dislike ..i know now just start only ...but i will go if me din tahan ...! make us working din happy if like tat and make us more tension ...huhu...! tat just my feeling ...

wELcoMe TO My PerSOnaL DeTAlis ....

Name : Quennie Ting Ting

Date Of Birth : 18.60 ( Gemini )

Hometown : Sandakan sabah ( malaysia )

Age : -

Interest : love to buy chocolate and ice cream

hobby : playing badminton

ambition : become doktor , nurse or become a rich girl ( if my dream come true )

favourite colour : pink and white

favourite eating : chocolate , ice cream , cake , and my mum cook for me

favourite drinking : cola flot , watermelon

lucky number : 2 , 8 and also 12

favourite book : Holy Bible , Novel cinta

favourite movie : whatever ..

music : koreo , english , mandanrin , malay

i so happy to sharing my personal detalis ...want to know me more please inbox me haha ... ( just kidding ) i like to make new friend ...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

hate medicine

ubat ini ubat apa sebenarnya .. kenapa ubat ini banyak jenis warna warni ...bila ingin makan ubat ini terus ingat betapa indah hidup kita penuh dengan warna warni ...

ramai orang tidak suka dengan bau ubat apa lagi kalau makan ..hari hari makan ubat akan rasa terbosan kalau satu hari tidak makan sakit itu tidak pandai sembuh ...

bila sakit harus kah jumpa doktor atau biar aje macam itu ya .... kalau ubat ini boleh tolong kita ringan beban kan bagus ..kalau boleh aku pun tidak mahu makan ubat ini ..kerana ubat ini tidak dapat untuk mengubati hati ku yang terluka ...hanya dapat rawat diri ku yang sakit sahaja

aku lah ornag yang pertama rasa jemur dengan makan ubat ..apa lagi selalu saya mengalami sakit tanpa did dugaan ...sekarang sakit grastik ku kerap datang kepada ku lagi ..apa boleh buat sakit harus kita akur pada nasib kita ini yang membawa penyakit ....

boleh kah kita tidak perlu ambil ubat ini lagi ..makan ubat hari hari tidak rasa boring kah ..kalau aku boring hari hari berdepan dengan ubat yang berwarna warni ...orang kata ubat yang berwarna akan mencerah kan hidup kita ..


jatuh cinta dengan seorang amat sakit hati kita...ah ..kenapa ya ? patah hati , putus cinta semua pun akan wujud perasaan ini..semua akan luka ..saya masih tidak faham semua itu ..cinta kadang kadang manis dan kadang kadang rasa pahit ...mungkin ini semua dugaan yang di beri oleh tuhan

tuhan telah kurnaikan 2 mata , 2 kaki , 2 tangan , 2 telingan tetapi kenapa tuhan kurnia kan kita sekeping hati ...dan sekeping hati itu di tempat dia ..kenapa yang sekeping itu saya tidak dapat memilikinya ...ya kita seorang wanita yang ada perasaan ..dia wanita dan aku juga seorang wanita ...kalau merosakan hubungan itu mungkin akan wujud rasa benci dan juga perasaan yang dendam ..

kenapa tuhan nak wujud dia di depan mata ku dan kenapa tuhan mahu wujud jalan cinta ini ..saya tahu dia bukan menjadi milik ku tapi macam mana aku berusaha pun dia tidak pernah merasakan cinta itu ..kerana cinta dia bukan untuk aku tapi untuk isteri dia . dia hanya cinta isteri dia yang saya nie tidak layak untuk mendapatkan dengan dia ....

hari ini hati ku ada rasa sakit juga kerana soalan yang dia beri kepada aku ...dia sms aku dan kata aku di ijm sekarang ..pastu aku jawab kenapa kamu di ijm nie napa tidak mahu rehat di rumah, dia membalas aku dia jumpa gf di ijm nie ...terus hati ku pilu.. aku tahu ini adalah dugaan yang tuhan beri kepada aku ...

ya aku mengaku aku telah jatuh cinta dengan dia ..dan aku mengaku diri ku telah ada hati dengan dia ...! tapi saya tidak tau dia dapat merasakan atau dia anggap macam biasa sahaja ...aku kalah pada cinta itu ..kuasa cinta ini aku tidak dpt nak dapatkan ..sakit hati ku ....kembalikan jasad aku nie.....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

aKU BerSEndirIAN ......

akhirnya diri ku menjadi sendiri sudah entah lah kenapa ya ...! baru aku sedar kini harus aku berdikari membuat kerja sendiri tanpa seorang kasih sayang dari ibu..sekarang masanya untuk aku sesuaikan diri dan biasa kan diri semua ini..sebagai soerang gadis kena lah belajar buat semua benda itu ...sekarang mahu study memasak..haha tahu lah aku nie paling takut pada minyak panas kena kulit ku nie..aduh lucu betul kan saya nie ...

sendirian kadang kadang sunyi juga kerana tidak ada teman yang berada di sisi untuk cerita dan macam macam .dulu famliy saya happy banyak sahaja cerita tidak pandai habis habis ...tapi sekarang keluarga ku sudah berubah menjadi sunyi dan juga sendirian ...kadang kadang rindu juga dengan sarapan yang di sediakan oleh ibu saya pada waktu pagi dan siap sedia untuk sediakan bekal makana untuk ting....

kini aku harus sendirian dan kerja sendiri ..kadang kadang penat juga sekarang baru aku merasa betapa penat ibu menjaga aku sehingga besar ...bila aku jatuh sakit ibu lah yang mengambil berat dengan aku dan menjaga dengan aku ..terima kasih atas jagaan mama buat ting ...mungkin ting tidak dapat membalas jasa buat ibu ting tersayang ..jadi ting akan mendaokan mama cepat sembuh dan beri peluang untuk aku membalas budi mama ...

sekarang sakit ting dan mula menyerang dengan ting ...kadang kadang sakit grastik sampai diri ku tidak dapat tahan but ..saya akan sedaya upaya untuk tahan diri ku biar sakit macam mana ...kerana saya tidak mahu mama ting risau dengan ting ....ting akan kuat tidak akan kalah dalam perlawanaan ini...

tapi percintaan aku akan kalah kerana aku tidak akan menjadi milik dia lagi ..kenapa semua berubah dengan cepat dan tinggalkan aku sendirian ..apa semua ini ...apa maksud kamu ..kamu datang kerana ingin sempati dengan aku ...banyak benda tersirat di dalam otak dan memori aku... ya bukan mudah untuk aku lupakan kamu ... cinta ku telah terpahat oleh kamu ...

aku ingin padam semua memori kita berdua kerana cinta kamu bukan milik ku dan boleh kamu jauh kan dari aku kah...boleh kah kamu pergi dan tinggalkan aku ..kerana aku cukup sakit hati kerana hati ku sedang luka oleh kamu ..cukup lah kamu singgah di hati ku dan jangan lagi wujud dengan perasaan itu ..cukup dan cukup....